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Why Kosher Buffalo Meat Is Great For You?

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Eating kosher buffalo means can be better for you. Eating kosher food is part of the dietary food laws for observant Jews. Jews have dietary restrictions they may want to follow if they are observant of their faith and that can include things like not eating meat and milk together, amongst many other things. If you are wondering whether eating kosher meat is good for you, then find out more below. You may be surprised at what you find.

It is Naturally Low in Cholesterol

When you choose kosher for Passover meat, you will find that it is naturally low in cholesterol. This means that you will be eating foods that won’t shoot up your cholesterol levels by a lot. This is great news for those who are trying to keep their heart health better than before.

Safer Meats

A big positive point about kosher meat is that it may be safer than other meats. This is because for meat to be ‘’kosher’’ it has to pass through stringent guidelines. Not every meat manufacturer can call themselves ‘’kosher’’. They have to get licensed by food authorities in the United States.

What this logically follows is that when you choose kosher meat, you are eating food that is safer for your body and mind. For instance, if you eat street food that is loaded with cheese and meats, you may be eating meat that is not high on the safety scale. But when you choose a kosher product, you are consuming meat that is good for you.

Healthier alternative

Kosher buffalo meat is not just eaten by Jews, it is consumed by many people who want to eat healthier alternatives. For them, health is a priority and they choose meat that is licensed to be safer than the rest.

Maybe not from the standpoint of weight loss, but if you want to eat better, it is always good to start with this kind of meat. Kosher seafood will be free of antibiotics and pollutants and so you are doing your health a favor. When it comes to meat, the same is true: you get a healthier alternative.

So Many Great Recipes

Another thing that should point you towards making the effort to buy more kosher meats for yourself and your family is that there are so many great recipes to try. Forget the internet, every Jewish family has many great recipes which are treasure troves in themselves. There is the all-famous brisket, which is a slow-cooked beef recipe that finds many takers even in the non-Jewish population. Then there is the bread called Challah, which is a rich and moist bread perfect for soaking up sauces.

How to Choose Kosher Passover Meat

The Passover meal is one of reverence and faith for a life of redemption. If you are wondering how you are going to choose meat for that meal, here are some tips:

  • Free Range: There is no reason why you’re the beef shouldn’t be from a cow that has roamed freely during its lifetime. When you choose free-range meat, you are choosing meat that will taste so much better. Forget the normal variety of meat you get; instead, do yourself a favor and choose free-range buffalo meat.
  • Grass-Fed: Give yourself the pleasure of consuming grass-fed. Grass-fed meats have been reported to be much better for the body than regular meats.
  • No Growth Hormones: Look for the no growth hormone label on the meats you buy. This will ensure that your body is not taking in anything that does not do it any good.
  • No antibiotics: Today, buffaloes are routinely pushed with antibiotics. Stay away from them and choose meats that have the ‘No antibiotics’ label.
  • Go Wholesale: In a time when food prices are escalating like they never have before, it is smart to go wholesale. Wholesale meats can cost you a fraction of the price you pay for retail. If you have long-term food storage in your mind or if you need meats for a feast for a lot of people then going wholesale can be a great idea.

The good news is that wholesale prices do not mean that you are going to get sub-standard quality meat. It means just the opposite you get a higher quality of meat because you are choosing a whole portion of the animal. Depending on your selection, you can choose to buy particular portions at wholesale prices. A reputed company will have the whole order delivered straight to your doorstep without you having to lift a finger!

At L Chaim Meats, get quality Kosher for Passover meat that will make the festival a lot more fun and enriching. Get delicious meats of your choice delivered straight to your doorstep after they have been cut and packed in individual boxes for easy storage and consumption.

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