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11 Best Locations In Hearthstone

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Location cards in Hearthstone can be very powerful if you know how to use them. These are the best choices on which to build.

Locations are a type of card that was added to Hearthstone with the Murder at Castle Nathria expansion. As soon as they were added to the game, they became some of the most powerful cards. Neither minions nor spells, these items remain on the board until all of their charges have been expended, and can only be used once.

Now that Death Knights have one of their own, it’s a good time to look at which of these places are must-sees in Hearthstone and which you should probably avoid.

Hedge Maze

Hedge Maze

Deathrattle Druid’s biggest problem is that it’s just not good. There just aren’t enough tools to support the archetype, and Hedge Maze isn’t good enough to make it matter.

If the archetype gets more help in the future, you might see Great Hedge more often, since it lets you use your Deathrattles right when you need to. But until that happens, the card will stay a footnote at the end of lists like this one.

Great Hall

Great Hall

The Great Hall sounds good on paper. It’s a powerful tool that can be used in many different ways. It lets you easily kill your opponent’s biggest minions and gives you a quick way to make your small minions stronger.

The problem is that Paladins have better ways to do both of these things. They have a lot of powerful buffs that don’t require your minions to have less than 3/3 stats.

Castle Kennels

Castle Kennels

It’s not bad to get two attacks and Rush, especially in a low-cost Beast-focused deck. There isn’t really a deck like that right now, though. Castle Kennels‘ ability is already somewhat diminished by the fact that several of the strongest Beasts in Hearthstone have Rush.

Even so, the card does sometimes show up in Prince Renathal decks. Perhaps the card will see more consistent use if Hearthstone introduces some powerful, low-cost Beasts that can use the attack bonus early in the game, or some Beasts with Deathrattle that would benefit from receiving Rush.

Sanguine Depths

Sanguine Depths

Sanguine Depths is a pretty unique card that was made for the Enrage Warrior deck. The archetype of the deck is named after a keyword that no longer exists, and it is based on hurting your own minions in order to get some kind of benefit.

Sanguine Depths is a great fit for the archetype because it lets you do more consistent damage to your minions, which is often hard to do. But the card isn’t very useful outside of that type of deck, and that type of deck has never been very strong. But Sanguine Depths is strong in its niche, and if that niche becomes more important, the location will rise with it.

Relic Library

Relic Library

Demon Hunter cards in the Relics group are unique. They start out pretty weak, but the more you play them, the stronger your Relics will be in the future. Their effects include calling in huge minions, drawing cards and lowering their cost, and clearing the enemy board.

Since Relic Library makes your Relics cast more than once, it not only doubles the effect right away, which can be very powerful, but it also makes your next Relics twice as good. It is one of the most important cards in Relic decks, if not the most important card overall.

Nightcloak Sanctum

Nightcloak Sanctum

Nightcloak Sanctum is a defensive card that freezes your opponent’s attackers to slow them down. Also, the Skeletons it makes have a Deathrattle that does two damage to a random enemy. This helps you control the board and could hurt your opponent in the face.

The effect is best for control decks, but it is also used in more aggressive decks. If you have a lot of Skeletons on the board, your opponent’s life is in danger if they use a board clear.

Cathedral Of Atonement

Cathedral Of Atonement

The Cathedral of Atonement isn’t as game-changing as some of the other locations on this list, but it’s the kind of card you’ll find in a lot of Priest decks. Even though it doesn’t make its own archetype, it has a strong effect in many different situations.

Drawing three cards over several turns and getting a total of 6/3 in buffs is rarely a bad thing. All you really want from a Hearthstone card is to gain card advantage and stats. Cathedral of Atonement’s only flaw is that you need to target a minion for it to work. Slow Priest decks might be able to get around this, though.

Vile Library

Vile Library

Many of the Warlock’s cheap cards, like Fiendish Circle and Wicked Shipment, can call up a lot of Imps at once. Because of this, the effect of Vile Library is much stronger and happens more often than you might think.

This can cause a huge jump in power early in Slope Game, which can quickly get out of hand. It lets you spread out on the board with a lot of minions and make a big threat that can hit your opponent from many different directions. That can be very hard to deal with at the same time, especially in the beginning of the game when they don’t have much mana.

Sinstone Graveyard

Sinstone Graveyard

Since its release, Sinstone Graveyard has been nerfed several times. Its cost has gone from two to three mana, and the Ghost it summons no longer has Stealth. But that hasn’t stopped the card from going up.

It turns out that a good way to win a Hearthstone game is to summon a lot of big minions, and Miracle Rogue has more than enough resources to make Sinstone Graveyard a very dangerous place. Miracle Rogue is a deck that requires a lot of skill, and the nerfs have made that even more true. But if you’re willing to take on the challenge, it can be very rewarding.

Construct Quarter

Construct Quarter

When Construct Quarter dropped, it changed the metagame right away. Part of the reason for this is that it doesn’t need any Runes, so it can be used in any Death Knight deck. Also, it is very strong.

Using Rush to bring out a 4/5 Undead creature is powerful, but the card is even better because of how useful it is. Because its effect kills your minions instead of changing them, it opens up a lot of interesting options. It generates Corpses, which can be used to power your other Death Knight cards or to activate Deathrattle effects.

Muck Pools

Muck Pools

Muck Pools packs a lot of power for only one mana. With Muck Pools and cards like Wildpaw Gnoll that can be played for much less than their cost, you can make minions that cost ten in the first few turns.

If your opponent doesn’t have a response the first time you do this, they may just die. Even if they do, they’ll have to do it again in a couple of turns. Evolve Shaman is one of the best decks in the game, and Muck Pools is a big reason why.

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