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8 Easy Steps to Integrate Airtable to Google Sheets

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Read Time:4 Minute, 19 Second

Efficiently managing data is crucial for success, whether you’re running a business or working on a project. Fortunately, there are several tools available that can help you achieve this goal. Two such tools are Airtable and Google Sheets, which can be integrated to maximize productivity and simplify data management. In this post, we’ll explore the features of these tools and provide a step-by-step guide on how to integrate Airtable to Google Sheets. By combining Airtable’s flexible database with Google Sheets’ collaborative and integrative features, you can create a powerful system to manage your data seamlessly.


Airtable is a cloud-based spreadsheet and database tool that allows users to organize, collaborate, and share data. Its unique interface combines the flexibility of a spreadsheet with the power of a database, making it an ideal tool for managing complex projects or workflows. Airtable’s features include:

  • Customizable Fields: Airtable allows you to create custom fields to fit your specific data needs. This means you can easily store and organize data in a way that works best for you.
  • Collaboration: Airtable allows you to share your data with others and collaborate in real-time. You can also assign tasks and set reminders to keep everyone on track.
  • Integrations: Airtable integrates with a wide range of apps and tools, making it easy to connect your data to other parts of your workflow.

Google Sheets

Google Sheets is a cloud-based spreadsheet tool that is part of the Google Workspace suite of apps. Like Airtable, it allows users to store and organize data, collaborate in real time, and share information with others. Some of Google Sheets’ key features include:

  • Templates: Google Sheets offers a variety of templates to help you get started with your data. This means you don’t have to start from scratch every time you want to create a new spreadsheet.
  • Collaboration: Like Airtable, Google Sheets allows you to collaborate with others in real time. You can also leave comments and assign tasks to keep everyone on the same page.
  • Integrations: Google Sheets integrates with a wide range of apps and tools, making it easy to connect your data to other parts of your workflow such as you can integrate Airtable to Google Sheets to modernize your workflow.

Integrating Airtable to Google Sheets

Integrating Airtable to Google Sheets can help you streamline your workflow and automate tedious tasks. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Step 1: Create a New Spreadsheet in Google Sheets

To get started, open Google Sheets and create a new spreadsheet. You can do this by clicking on “Blank” in the template gallery or by going to “File” > “New” > “Google Sheets.”

Step 2: Install the Airtable Add-On for Google Sheets

Next, you’ll need to install the Airtable add-on for Google Sheets. To do this, go to the Google Workspace Marketplace and search for “Airtable.” Click on the Airtable add-on and then click “Install.” Follow the prompts to install the add-on to your Google Sheets account.

Step 3: Connect Google Sheets to Your Airtable Account

Once the Airtable add-on is installed, you’ll need to connect it to your Airtable account. To do this, open your Google Sheet and click on “Add-ons” > “Airtable” > “Connect to Airtable.” Follow the prompts to enter your Airtable API key and select the base you want to connect to.

Step 4: Choose Your Airtable Table

After you’ve connected your Airtable to Google Sheets to your account, you’ll need to choose the Airtable table you want to integrate with. To do this, click on “Add-ons” > “Airtable” > “Insert Data.” From here, you can select the table you want to insert data from.

Step 5: Choose Your Google Sheets Sheet

Once you’ve selected your Airtable User table, you’ll need to choose the Google Sheets you want to insert the data. To do this, select the sheet from the dropdown menu in the “Insert Data” window.

Step 6: Map Your Fields

Once you’ve selected your Airtable table and Google Sheets, you’ll need to map the fields between the two. This means you’ll need to specify which Airtable fields correspond to which Google Sheets columns. To do this, simply drag and drop the Airtable fields onto the corresponding Google Sheets columns.

Step 7: Customize Your Import Options

After you’ve mapped your fields, you can customize your import options. This includes choosing which fields to import, setting filters to only import certain records, and selecting how often to refresh the data.

Step 8: Import Your Data

Once you’ve customized your import options, you’re ready to import your data. To do this, click on “Import” in the “Insert Data” window. Your Airtable data will then be imported into your Google Sheets sheet.


Integrating Airtable to Google Sheets can help you streamline your workflow and automate tedious tasks. By combining the power of Airtable’s flexible database with Google Sheets’ collaborative and integrative features, you can create a powerful system to manage your data. With the step-by-step guide we’ve provided, you can easily integrate Airtable to Google Sheets and take your productivity to the next level.


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