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Health & Fitness

Early Diagnosis and Treatment for Osteoarthritis

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Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint condition that harms cartilage. It is the most prevalent kind of arthritis and can result in discomfort, stiffness, and swelling in the joint that is impacted. As the cartilage slowly degrades, more harm and discomfort could result from the rubbing of the bones. Don’t worry if the pain is too much; Massage Therapy Surrey can assist you.

Millions of people around the globe suffer from osteoarthritis, which is a common disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) lists osteoarthritis as one of the top ten diseases that are the most debilitating in developed nations. Osteoarthritis, the most common cause of impairment in older people, is thought to impact over 32.5 million adults in the US.

Osteoarthritis must be identified and treated as soon as possible in order to control the symptoms and limit the disease’s progression. One form of treatment that can ease discomfort, encourage mobility, and lessen stiffness is massage therapy. There are numerous massage methods accessible. There are numerous massage methods available to help treat and manage osteoarthritis symptoms. By lowering tension and elevating mood, regular massages can also enhance the quality of life for people with osteoarthritis.

Risk Factors for Osteoarthritis :

Osteoarthritis may develop as a consequence of several risk factors (OA). People can take proactive steps to reduce their risk or manage the illness by being aware of these risk factors.

Age: Although joint cartilage deteriorates over time naturally, OA is more common in older individuals.

Gender: OA is more common in women than in males, especially in the hands and knees.

Genetics: The development of OA can be influenced by a person’s family background. People with OA in their families are at a greater risk.

Obesity: Being overweight places stress on the joints and raises the risk of developing OA, especially in the knees.

Profession: Work in construction or agriculture that repeatedly stresses or moves joints may raise the risk of developing OA.

Atypical joints, prior joint injury, and a number of illnesses like diabetes and gout are additional risk factors for OA. It’s critical to understand these risk factors and take preventative measures to lessen their detrimental effects. This can be facilitated by eating well, exercising frequently, and taking preventative measures to avoid joint problems.

What are the Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

The location and severity of the affected joint can influence osteoarthritis (OA) symptoms. The most common risk indicators and symptoms of OA are:

Joint pain and stiffness: The most prevalent symptom of OA is joint pain and stiffness, which may get worse after physical exercise or after extended periods of rest. Additionally, stiffness might be felt, especially in the morning or after spending a lot of time lying down.

Motion restriction: Joint stiffness brought on by OA may result in a limitation of motion. As a result, simple tasks like bending, walking, and climbing stairs might become challenging.

Swelling and tenderness: These symptoms of inflammation in the damaged joint are swelling and tenderness. The area of flesh close to the joint may become swollen, red, and warm to the touch.

Bone spurs: Around the damaged joint, bone spurs may form over time. These bony growths may make it harder to move the joint and aggravate any pain or rigidity already present.

Bone-on-bone contact and deformed joints are possible in severe OA instances, both of which can worsen pain and function. You should consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms so they can properly identify and treat your condition.

What is the Treatment for Osteoarthritis

 Depending on the severity of the disease and the affected joint, there are many different osteoarthritides (OA) treatment options (s).

Changes in lifestyle: Making lifestyle adjustments can help alleviate symptoms and stop further joint damage. This can entail altering one’s diet, losing weight, exercising gently, and refraining from repetitive motions that put pressure on joints.

Medication: Medication can lessen OA-related discomfort and inflammation. While acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) are frequently used to treat pain, hyaluronic acid, and corticosteroid injections can help lessen inflammation.

Physical therapy: Physical therapy can help muscles grow stronger and joints become more limber. Muscles can be strengthened, motion movements can be improved, and Physiotherapy Clinic in Surrey can all be improved. Additionally, applying heat and cold treatment reduces pain and inflammation.

Surgery: To replace or repair the damaged joint in severe instances of OA, surgery may be required. Surgical procedures for managing OA include osteotomies, arthroscopies, and joint replacements.

Creating a treatment plan that is specific to your needs and medical situation requires collaboration with a healthcare expert. To lessen symptoms and enhance the quality of life, this may entail combining different treatments.


It is crucial to get medical help because doing so can result in early disease diagnosis and treatment, significantly increasing the probability of successful outcomes. Delaying medical care could lead to symptoms worsening or even fatal consequences. For maintaining good health and spotting any potential health problems early on, routine exams and screenings are also essential.

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