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Keyword research and strategy without any streams guranteed

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Niche keyword research helps your website become profitable. This skill is crucial when writing content for your blog or website and eventually ranking in Google.

One of the most important skills you can learn when building websites for SEO is to know which keywords to target based on your site’s current authority in the niche.

It is what you need to appear in Google’s organic top 10 results for your selected niche keywords.

However, learning takes time and typically involves trial and error. This is the reason we wrote this article. To save you the trouble of wasting valuable time and money on the wrong niche keywords if you outsource content writing services.

The most common cause of website failure is, without a doubt choosing keywords that are too difficult to rank for.

However, when it comes down to it, I believe that efficient keyword research for niche websites can be boiled down to two main ideas:

Ability to analyze Google’s top ten organic competitors to assess not only the competition but also the (often shifting) intent of the targeted keywords. Focus on keywords with low competition rather than high search volume or high competition.

Unfortunately, most people need more discipline to target keywords with low competition and cannot effectively analyze Google’s top 10 organic search results. 

I will show you how to effectively evaluate the difficulty of your keyword’s top 10 Google organic search results. 

Then, offer some helpful pointers on niche keyword research tools—free and paid—that will assist you along the way. Additionally, by the time you are finished reading this article, you will have mastered the art of niche keyword research.

This way, you can construct a blog or website correctly and begin ranking for the search terms you’ve chosen sooner rather than later.

CONTENTS[ SHOW] Learn practical SEO growth strategies from three entrepreneurs whose niche websites bring in between $40k and $200k per month!

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Why is vital word research necessary, and what exactly is it?

When compared to throwing a dart at a target, keyword research is like throwing wet spaghetti at a target. It’s like throwing a lot of spaghetti at the wall if you write about whatever topic comes to mind that day.

While some of your content might “stick,” most of it will probably fall to the ground and end up in the trash.

However, focusing your content on keywords is like hitting a target with a dart. You have a much better chance of hitting the mark and staying there.

Although there is no assurance, your chances of getting traffic are significantly higher.

You can find keyword concepts and specific keywords with tremendous potential by conducting niche keyword research to eventually rise to the top of organic search results when you write content.

As a result, your chances of getting free traffic from high rankings in Google SERPs will rise significantly.

This in-depth look at keywords also helps you find relevant keywords for subjects your audience is interested in.

Researching niche keywords is beneficial in the same way that conducting market research is beneficial to any business worldwide.

KEYWORDS FOR LONG TAILS VS HEAD TERMS You will hear me refer to “long tail keywords” and “head” search terms throughout this guide. We can define “head” terms as keywords with a higher monthly search volume and typically more increased levels of competition.

A long tail keyword is easier to rank for and typically has a lower search volume.

Please be aware that just because a keyword has a long tail doesn’t mean it has to be a longer phrase.

The term “long tail” refers to its location on the search graph.

Keyword-Research Long Tail Keyword Research As seen from the graph, the orange keywords on the right are referred to as long tail keywords. This is because there needs to be more competition and volume for those potential keywords.

The head terms are the keywords on the left of the graph.

Concentrate on the long tail keywords when conducting keyword research! If your website is newer, there is little chance it will rank for head terms.

However, one of the advantages of the long tail is that, in addition to being simpler to rank for these search terms, they also generate more traffic overall than head terms.

Overall, more people search for long tail keywords than head terms.

Last but not least, if your page is truly optimized, you can begin by ranking for longtail search terms, but you might also eventually rank for head terms.

I am, for instance, focusing on the longtail keyword “best online business to start.” As you can see from the screen capture underneath, I right now rank close to the highest point of Google for that expression:

Search terms Nevertheless, I have also begun to rank on either page 1 or page 2 of Google for the head term “online business,” which I was not specifically targeting:

Keywords research for SEO In the end, I can tell you from experience that if you focus on long tail keywords, your keyword research results will be much more successful. It only takes discipline to avoid being “tempted” by head terms with a high monthly search volume that appears in your preferred research tool’s keyword suggestions.

HOW TO DO KEYWORD RESEARCH I assume you already have a website and have chosen a great niche market. However, when adding content to your website, it is essential for affiliate marketers and anyone else to choose a topic for which you can appear in Google.

How should you find keywords for your website which you know can easily rank?

I’ll talk about the six steps you need to take to get the most out of your keyword research time.

It would be best if you came up with some seed keyword ideas.

These seed keywords will be used to locate related longtail keywords.

Use keyword modifiers to find “hidden gem” keywords that are simple to rank for.

Examine the difficulty of achieving a first-page Google ranking for those search terms.

Utilize free tools for keyword research (such as Google Keyword Planner).

Useful premium tools for keyword research.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these points.

Step #1: SEED KEYWORDS BRAINSTORM Think of keyword research as a giant funnel. We must first begin with broad keyword concepts. The brainstorming phase starts here. 

We will then filter those broad “seed” keywords down to the bottom of the funnel, where you will eventually find relevant keywords you want to target once we have identified the types of broad keywords we want to target.

To put it another way, don’t focus on the “head” terms we found in step one. Instead, we’ll hone in on the most valuable longtail keywords in a moment.

However, we must first begin at the keyword research funnel’s top.

You can start looking for broad or seed keyword phrases in your niche in a few different ways:

A general discussion takes a piece of paper or a whiteboard and begins writing down all the words or phrases that come to mind concerning your particular niche.

Look at ads. Some of the terms from your general brainstorm can be found by searching Google. Check out who and what is advertised. Keep a list of any additional products, phrases, or concepts you come up with from these ads. This has a lot of good ideas!

Go to the mall. You can walk down the department store aisle and see many products, brands, or phrases that you wouldn’t have thought of otherwise. But, of course, this all depends on your niche.

Use Amazon’s categories, products, descriptions, and best sellers. Amazon has millions of products, which means millions of products for the root keyword. Use types and the words you see in the descriptions and the names of the products to develop new ideas. Then, browse the Amazon bestsellers for each category to find the items that sell the most.

Amazon keyword research: Use eBay products and categories to locate excellent seed keywords. Some ideas, like Amazon above.

Utilize network affiliates. Sign into any affiliate networks, browse the products, and READ the additional keywords used in the product descriptions if you run out of ideas.

To the Library, go. You can find thousands of helpful seed keywords and LSI keyword ideas by reading a few books in your field.

Try out Wikipedia. Be bold and take a detour down the Wikipedia keyword ideas rabbit hole. With all of the references, Wikipedia makes it easier than ever for affiliate marketers to locate related topics.

Read Forums for seed keyword ideas and Wikipedia keyword research for seed keyword ideas. “Steal” ideas from other websites. Find the topics your niche rivals are writing about and ranking for. Best part? Competitor research is perfectly legal and essential! as long as you produce original content on the same topic. Never copy anything!

Let’s say you have a Mom blog and are thinking about writing about baby products. First, visit the websites of some of your rivals to see what kinds of categories and keywords they are using. This is a great way to get lots of seed keyword ideas.

The baby gear space is one example of a website:

Baby website: We will use this website to acquire some seed keywords.

Additionally, numerous:

Categories for infants We are only required to use a few of these.

Additionally, you are free to repeat this step for any number of websites. You can click on the first three results or search for numerous keyword suggestions.

It’s time to put your keyword list to use now that you know a lot of different ways to brainstorm.

Related more. 5 Ghost SEO Tricks to Help Your Website Rank Higher on Search Engines
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