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Emergency Dentist vs. Regular Dentist: Know the Difference When It Matters Most

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Emergency dental serviceIt was a fine day and you were strolling in the park, suddenly you saw a mother running towards the exit carrying her baby in her hands. You enquired about the incident and got to know that the kid fell and suffered a tooth injury, and she was rushed to an emergency dentist.

Now you might be wondering who is these emergency dentist, what work they do, and how they are different from regular dentists. Lots of questions are popping up in your mind. Relax, take a deep breath, and read the below piece, as it has answers to all the questions, you are seeking.

What is a Regular Dentist? 

A regular dentist, normally called a general dentist, is someone whom you can visit for daily checkups. They help you keep your teeth and gums healthy with their variety of services. Here’s what they typically do – 

  1. Routine Checkups and Cleaning To monitor and maintain your oral health, they do bi-annual checkups and cleanings. 
  2. Fillings & RepairsIf any case you suffer from cavities or have chipped teeth, just visit them. They’ll fix them with fillings or other treatments.
  3. Preventive Care –  When you visit your dentist, they’ll give you tips to keep your teeth healthy. And if you need any treatment like using fluoride treatments, to maintain your teeth.
  4. Cosmetics Enhancements –  Want to brighten your smile? Dentists help you with teeth whitening, veneers, and other cosmetic treatments.  
  5. Basic OrthodonticsSome general dentists can handle basic orthodontic care or will send you to a specialist for braces or aligners if you need them.

Regular dentists are key to keeping your smile healthy and managing your long-term dental care.

What is an Emergency Dentist?

The dental issues that need urgent attention, are handled by specialists called emergency dentists. If the need arises, they often treat their patients outside their working hours. They are be with you, in situations like-

  1. Severe Tooth PainIntense, persistent tooth pain that cannot be relieved with over-the-counter painkillers.
  2. Broken or Chipped TeethIf you have had an accident or for any other reason, you’ve fractured or broken a tooth, especially if it causes pain or exposes the tooth’s nerves.
  3. Knocked-Out ToothIf a tooth gets completely knocked out from an injury, you need to act fast to try to save it.
  4. Dental AbsecessA sore, swollen spot in your gums or around a tooth, especially if you have a fever, needs quick treatment to stop the infection from spreading.
  5. Uncontrolled Bleeding – If your mouth is bleeding from an injury or dental work and the bleeding doesn’t stop with basic first aid, you need to see an emergency dentist.
  6. InfectionsIf you have an infection that’s causing swelling, trouble breathing, or other serious symptoms, you need to get immediate help.

Dentists are often available during extra hours, weekends, and holidays to handle urgent situations. And are prepared to offer emergency dental services for quick relief and treatment when you need it most.


Difference Between Regular & Emergency Dentists

Regular Dentists Emergency Dentists
Availability  They usually work during regular business hours and you need to make an appointment in advance. They’re generally closed on weekends and holidays. They are available 24/7, including evenings, weekends, and holidays. They’re ready to help with walk-ins and provide immediate care without needing an appointment.
Type Of Care They focus on preventive care, routine procedures, and managing your long-term dental health. Their treatments are usually planned and scheduled ahead of time. Specializes in urgent care for unexpected dental problems that need immediate attention. Their goal is to alleviate pain, address the emergency, and prevent further complications.
Treatment Approach They take a thorough approach to your dental health, often planning treatments over several visits to ensure you get the best results. Emergency dentists focus on quickly relieving pain and stabilizing the situation. They might give you temporary solutions to manage discomfort until you can see your regular dentist for follow-up care.
Specialization They offer many services but might refer you to specialists if you need more complex treatments like oral surgery or braces. They are generalists, but they’re especially skilled at dealing with urgent dental issues quickly. Some even have extra training in managing trauma or controlling pain.


What to Expect During A Visit To Emergency Dentist? 

During your emergency dental visit, the dentist will first figure out what’s wrong and give you quick relief. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Initial AssessmentWhen you visit the dentist for emergency treatment, they’ll first inquire you the cause or symptoms of the injury or pain.  They even ask if you have any dental history or not. 
  2. ExaminationTo know the depth of the problem, the dentist will do all the required tests. These include – X-rays, vitality tests, bite tests, and many others also. 
  3. TreatmentThe dentist will give immediate treatment to handle the emergency, like pain relief or temporary fillings. They may also perform extractions or drain an abscess to alleviate pain and prevent further issues.
  4. AftercareYou’ll get instructions on how to care for the treated area after the emergency visit. The dentist might also suggest seeing your regular dentist later for any additional follow-up treatment.

Final Thoughts

Now you know all the basics about the regular and emergency dentist. And in case you’ve anything serious related to teeth, you know whom to approach. If you’re ever in need of urgent dental care, simply search for an emergency dentist near me to find immediate help when it matters most.

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