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paraphrasing Tool : What You Need to Know

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Proofreading is a vital part of producing a successful write-up. You need to edit and proofread whether you are writing an essay, thesis paper, story or a simple application. But how do you start? What should you charge? Editing and proofreading are both different, and the student gets confused. Now there are lots of paraphrasing tools available online that help you eliminate unwanted mistakes in assignment writing. Students should be aware of using paraphrasing tools as it saves their time and energy.

What is proofreading?

As you complete your final assignment draft, you will need to have enough time for editing and proofreading. Proofreading eliminates errors and mistakes in formatting the text, grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Proofreading takes a lot of time, and without techniques, students can’t submit flawless paper.

Proofreading is a regular practice when everything should be in place. Here are four basic things to do:

Make it a habit

Know the techniques

Sentence-level editing


How to form a proofreading habit?

The first thing is to make proofreading a regular habit.

Wrap it up early:

You lose focus if you have been writing an assignment for a week. Editing or proofreading requires a clear goal. Don’t try to complete editing and proofreading in one day because it won’t be fruitful for you. Take a break after completing writing and get good night’s sleep and return to the study table.

Read your paper loud:

Most students prefer to read silently, but scientifically, reading silently is not always fruitful. Your eyes can jump over the words and skip many grammatical and spelling mistakes. You can miss errors or fail to recognise the wrong sentences or missing verbs. Read your paper loud and listen to whether it sounds right or wrong. Your tongue will read the wrong sentences, and your ears will catch the wrong terms.

Make an error list:

It is always helpful for students to make a list of their writing mistakes. Some students are not even aware of poor marks despite writing an excellent assignment. This happens because they never think of listing down their mistakes. Some students always miss the difference between ‘yours’, ‘you’re’, ‘it’s’ and ‘its’. They do typos like effect and affect. If you are constantly making writing mistakes like this, write a list. Then when you get to the proofreading stage, your eyes will search for the common errors you usually make. This is one of the most amazing ways you can correct writing errors and develop self-awareness about your write-ups.

Proofread the big paragraphs:

Suppose you are dealing with lengthy papers like research, dissertation or long essays. Avoid checking the small paragraphs initially. When you have enough time to proofread, start with lengthy paragraphs. The small factors of your writing should be checked after you have taken care of the big paragraphs.

Proofread the sentences slowly:

While proofreading, there is a common tendency for students to do it quickly to finish it. At the time of proofreading, students feel to submit the paper as soon as possible, which leads them to multiple mistakes. It is not always possible to keep all the mistakes in mind and work on them. Even though you know that your deadline is approaching, slow down to read. It means you will read each sentence carefully.

Use a RED marker while proofreading on paper:

While proofreading and changing it, you may miss some of your corrections and suggestions if you use the usual blue or black pens. Try to use a marker or a red pen to identify every mistake. It will give you clarity.

Other proofreading techniques:

Check the punctuation:

Proofreading is not all about grammar and sentence checking, you need to check the punctuation, also. Pay attention to the capital words, missing commas, semicolons, and colons used improperly.

Backward reading:

When writing, you usually start with the beginning of the assignment. But while proofreading, one should start reading backwards, which means you will start from the conclusion.

Check the numbers:

Students face various essays, including social science, physics, biology, statistics, bioinformatics and more. In these subjects, students must write many numbers and figures. Make sure your numbers are correctly written and revise them while proofreading.

Check the homonyms and apostrophes:

Students often make common spelling mistakes. Homonyms are words that have the same spelling and mostly pronunciation, but they carry different meanings. Except and accept are two words. And it could be disastrous for your academic reputation, so pay special attention to these mistakes. Apostrophes are common in writing like its, it’s, and there, and they’re.

Proofread for one error at a time:

Students generally seek various mistakes to resolve at a time. If you are a beginner in proofreading, it is better to focus on one type of writing mistake at a time. Suppose you decide to look for all the grammatical mistakes. Then stick to it and find out errors like articles, wrong prepositions, lengthy sentences, tense and other grammatical mistakes.

Ask someone to check your paper:

It is always a helpful way to verify your mistakes by someone else. Sometimes we can’t see the common mistakes and skip them unintentionally. You can hire a professional proofreader to check your paper else; you can also ask your parents or friends.

Read other people’s writings:

Students don’t seat in their college library and read for hours. Reading a lot of good stories and articles helps you with proofreading. You can see how the writer has portrayed the description in one sentence.

Hire a professional:

If you don’t have time to edit or proofread, there is no way to submit your final draft without proofreading. Many students are ashamed of hiring a professional editor or proofreader and get a low grade in assignment writing. Hiring an editor who will give you a flawless and edited paper within the deadline is recommended.

Revise your grammar book often:

Having a great knowledge of grammar can save you time in proofreading. It has been seen that students forget the basic grammar rules and commit terrible grammar mistakes while writing assignments. So, revise the fundamental rules of grammar and use them while proofreading.

Help you with plagiarism:

When you will see there is a restriction while plagiarism checking, divide your lengthy paper into multiple pieces and then check the plagiarism. The paraphrasing tool will compare your paper to millions of sources features in the checking database.

Proofreading tools:

There is various paraphrasing tool available online. You can use free and paid versions. You will get grammar and punctuation checking tools, plagiarism checkers, a work counter, a line and sentence counter, title generating tools, APA Referencing Generator tool and more.


Proofreading is the final part of writing. It can make or break your assignment. Professional writers hire a proofreader to check their copies. So, the significance of proofreading is inevitable. Whenever you start your assignment, make sure you allot at least one day for editing and proofreading. This habit will help you in exams also. Whatever you write, you will check it at least once and revise it.

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